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2 min read

Brand Loyalty in a Mobile-First Market

By Bridget Gorman on 20 March 2019

1 min read

How a Year-Round Mobile App Keeps Your Members Engaged Between Events

By Bridget Gorman on 12 March 2019

2 min read

The Rise of In-App Advertising

By Bridget Gorman on 7 March 2019

Marketing professionals are focusing more and more on mobile marketing as a primary element of their brand awareness and advertising campaigns. If your organization does not have an app or has not yet structured a sponsorship program for your app, then now is the time to change that so you and your industry partners can benefit from the opportunities this platform affords.

1 min read

Using a Year-Round Mobile App to Attract Younger Members

By Bridget Gorman on 26 February 2019

1 min read

The Benefits of a Configured vs. Custom Mobile App

By Katie Argueta on 19 February 2019

To maximize the efficiency and success of our solution, we take a configured approach to app development. And while we stay away from full customization, there are still many options we make available for tailoring and personalization of each app such as feature selection and namingcolors and brandingintegrations and logo usage. This allows our clients to experience the feeling of customization without taking on all of the risks involved. 

The risks of full customization include:

2 min read

How a Year-Round App Can Reverse Falling Membership Rates

By Bridget Gorman on 12 February 2019

2 min read

Increasing Transactions with the Convenience of a Year-Round Mobile Membership App

By Bridget Gorman on 30 January 2019

2 min read

Mobile App Development 101

By Katie Argueta on 23 January 2019

1 min read

Using Influential Members to Promote Your Mobile App

By Bridget Gorman on 9 January 2019

2 min read

'Tis the Season ... Show Your Gratitude With a Year-Round Mobile Membership App

By Bridget Gorman on 19 December 2018
