Bridget Gorman

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Increase Employee Engagement with a Year-Round Mobile App
By Bridget Gorman on 17 July 2019
1 min read
Unlock the Power of Your AMS with a Year-Round Mobile App
By Bridget Gorman on 3 July 2019
Your members and your mission are the heart of your organization, but your Association Management System (AMS) is arguably your most valuable business tool. It might occasionally be the subject of ire, but the truth is, your AMS enables you to successfully create, manage and engage with the community you serve-- whether it’s member renewals, event management, registrations and payments, or activity and education tracking.
With a mobile app, you have the opportunity to integrate with your AMS in order to add greater value to your communications and membership strategies and further complement your AMS’s functionality.
2 min read
Why App Design is Critical to a Successful Mobile App
By Bridget Gorman on 19 June 2019
As organizations strive to remain relevant and valuable in today’s mobile-first culture, they must chart a course for mobile member engagement. With a well-designed native mobile app, the paths of technology and communications converge and create a new avenue to increase member satisfaction, foster an active community, and advance your organization’s mission to provide resources and information to your members. The key to staying on course in this mobile journey is design.
User Experience (UX) -- UX is a tech buzzword because it’s paramount to the success of any app. The UX relies on several factors that are directly related to design:
1 min read
Why Associations Need a Year-Round Mobile App
By Bridget Gorman on 6 June 2019
When the Culture Transforms, So Must Your Organization
1 min read
Promoting Your Year-Round Mobile Membership App Beyond Events
By Bridget Gorman on 21 May 2019
2 min read
Afraid to Go Paperless at Your Next Event?
By Bridget Gorman on 15 May 2019
3 min read
How Facebook is Crushing Snapchat with a Superior Mobile Experience
By Bridget Gorman on 7 May 2019
2 min read
Why Now is the Time to Invest in a Year-Round Mobile Membership App
By Bridget Gorman on 17 April 2019
2 min read
Clowder Case Study: Advanced Solutions International (ASI)
By Bridget Gorman on 3 April 2019
ASI’s annual iNNOVATIONS conference brings together employees, iMIS clients and partners from across the globe to build stronger partnerships and share ideas and opportunities related to iMIS. The 2019 conference was a great success, and the new year-round ASI Connect app helped attendees navigate the event and communicate with ease.
Events Drive Downloads
2 min read
Brand Loyalty in a Mobile-First Market
By Bridget Gorman on 20 March 2019