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An App Design Guide (& Why You Should Avoid Those with Too Many Tiles)

By Bridget Gorman on 18 December 2019

Proven Design Practices are Key to an App’s Success

No matter what industry you’re in, what demographic you serve, or what initiatives you’re launching, everything you execute should have your audience experience in mind. How do you meet their needs? How can you be of service, how can you delight them and keep them engaged? Creativity and innovation are valuable assets of course, but when it comes to mobile app design, using tried-and-true best practices is what will garner the adoption and retention you're after and will deliver the greatest experience.

2 min read

M-Commerce Numbers Soar This Holiday Season

By Bridget Gorman on 11 December 2019

Commerce has naturally progressed from a brick-and-mortar model to e-commerce and, more recently, into mobile commerce, a.k.a. m-commerce. M-commerce includes any monetary transaction using a mobile device or tablet, including banking, investing, peer-to-peer payments, donations and shopping for consumer goods and services. M-commerce is a subset of e-commerce and is rapidly outpacing all other kinds of commerce.

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What's Your Association’s Value Proposition?

By Katie Argueta on 2 December 2019

DCA Live recently interviewed top association leaders which included President & CEO of Wine & Spirits Wholesalers of America, Michelle Korsmo. She was asked - “What will the biggest issue facing ALL association leaders in 2020 be?” She responded with, “Knowing the association’s value proposition. The days of joining associations because that’s what industry members do is past. Associations have to earn their dues like every business must earn their customers.”

2 min read

Boost Employee Engagement Through Mobile in the New Year

By Bridget Gorman on 20 November 2019

HR teams know that the employee experience is as important as the customer experience. But keeping employees happy doesn’t just happen; it requires an ongoing effort to implement strategies that will resonate. Employees crave two-way communication, team building, feedback, recognition, and the belief that they are valued for their contributions. Today’s mobile-first workforce uses apps to manage most of their personal and professional lives, so it stands to reason that a dedicated organization app is a clear solution for fostering real employee engagement.

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Is Your Organization Planning for Gen Z?

By Katie Argueta on 14 November 2019

It’s recent college grads that make up the oldest members of the generational group known as Gen Z. These are 21 and 22 year-olds eager to find their stride in the workforce. While Millennials are the generation to witness the shift in mobile technology throughout their teen and early adult years, that's all Gen Z-ers have ever known. As we like to put it, if Millennials are mobile-first, Gen Z is mobile-only. And if your organization has not put forth an effort to capture the interest of Millennials, then it’s definitely not looking great for drawing in those of Gen Z.

2 min read

How Associations Can Use Influencers to Boost Engagement

By Bridget Gorman on 6 November 2019

Social media influencers are the hottest form of marketing right now. Think of them as a combination of today’s version of celebrity endorsements and word-of-mouth marketing. A company or brand uses a personality that is well-liked and credible to spread awareness and tout their product with the hopes that their adoring fan-base will be compelled to purchase. An authentic endorsement from someone you adore and respect is more impactful than a generic advertisement or promotion. Today’s marketers and PR firms are increasingly using influencers and according to Mediakix, a leading influencer marketing agency, for good reason:

1 min read

Does Your Digital Transformation Include Mobile? (Because it should)

By Katie Argueta on 30 October 2019

We hear “digital transformation” thrown around a lot in this market. However we question much of the “transformation” we see. Can you fully say your organization has digitally transformed if mobile is not involved? Are new web and email strategies truly going to transform the way your members are engaging with you currently?

1 min read

Webinar: How Mobile Apps Are Changing the Association Landscape

By Katie Argueta on 23 October 2019

We’re now a mobile-first society. Mobile apps are how we conveniently choose to consume content, receive information, register, book, purchase and communicate. Your members are no different.

In this webinar, we take a look at how associations like the American Society for Association Executives (ASAE), the Associated General Contractors of America (AGC), and the American Choral Directors Association (ACDA) are using a year-round mobile app to communicate, connect and engage with members.

3 min read

Mobile Apps - You Can Bank on Them!

By Bridget Gorman on 23 October 2019

Just as the world of commerce has changed drastically in the last decade, the banking industry has seen some rapid changes in the past couple of years. Leading for-profit companies have yielded great results by launching mobile apps—increasing their customer base and gaining loyalty by creating value with consumers. Banks have joined the ranks with other big brands to leverage the benefits that a mobile app can offer customers.

1 min read

Apps are Here to Stay

By Sergei Dubrograev on 16 October 2019

A note from our CEO Sergei Dubograev:

Every now and again I hear people saying mobile is a fad. "Apps fail." "Websites and email are here to stay." Without being too disrespectful, what I want to say to those people is... good luck, because you’ll need it.
